Loads of facts

--Tuesday is the most productive day of the working week. 

--The ZIP code means Zoning Improvement Plan.

--Months that start on a Sunday always have a Friday the 13th.

--Phasmopho bia is the fear of ghosts.

--In a recent survey, 68% of people admitted to fantasizing about somebody else whilst making love.

--Due to the contraction and expansion of metal, the Eiffel Tower's height varies by several inches, depending on temperature.

--Tulips originated in Turkey and were only exported to Holland in the 17th century.

--The average life expectancy of a toilet is 50 years.

--Australian bank notes are now made out of plastic. Paper money in the UK is made out of cotton and linen.

--The average person will spend around 2 weeks of their life waiting on traffic lights to change. --Petroleum accounts for nearly half the world's energy supply.

--London cabbies estimate that their average driving speed is just under 10 mph due to the ever increasing traffic congestion.

--Broken clocks are right at least twice a day.

--The average American will see or hear over 500 advertisements each day.

--America, it's estimated that around 4-5 million junk telephone calls are made daily (phone solicitations by persons or programmed machine).

Per capita, Canada has more dough nut shops than any other country.

--There are more TV sets in the UK (70 million+) than there are people (~60 million).

--In logging slang, a messy pile of logs is called a "jackpot".

--The average woman consumes 6 lbs of lipstick in her lifetime.

--No piece of paper can be folded in half more than 7 times.

--The typical pencil can draw a line 35 miles long.

--The word dreamt is the only word in the English language that ends in mt.

--More money is spent on gardening than on any other hobby.

--In Spain, Colgate faced a marketing problem with its toothpaste. Colgate - phonetically close to Cuelgate, which translates to "go hang yourself."

--In the 1940s, the Bich pen was changed to Bic for fear that Americans would pronounce it "bitch."

--Man is the only animal that cries.

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