What Is VoIP?

by: je Dunn

VoIP stands for; Voice Over Internet Protocol.

What VoIP does is it converts the voice signal from your telephone into a digital signal that travels over the Internet.

This means NO phone charges! And this is why VoIP is such a buzz word today.

VoIP presents businesses and consumers a like with an option to save on their phone bills.

It is very simple to set up and use, and requires very little equipment.

For instance...If you are calling a regular phone number, the signal is then converted back at the other end. Internet Voice can allow you to
make a call directly from a computer.

If you make a call using a phone with an adaptor, you’ll be able to dial just as you always have,and the service provider may also provide a dial tone.

If your service assigns you a regular phone number, then a person can call you
from his or her regular phone without using special equipment.

What Do You Need To Get Started?

A broadband Internet connection is required to make VoIP calls. Some services
allow you to use a regular telephone, as long as you connect it to an adaptor.

Some companies allow you to make calls from a computer or a VoIP phone that doesn’t require an additional adapter.

If you are calling a regular telephone number, the person you are calling does not need any special equipment, just a phone.

More and more companies are entering the VoIP arena everyday. The two most popular are Vontage and SKYPE.

For a low monthly fee you can make unrestricted calls anywhere without incurring any long distant charges. As you can see VoIP can be a real money saving opportunity for smart consumers and businesses.

It is important to compare plans when considering a VoIP provider. Depending on the plan you might be limited only to other subscribers to the service, or you may be able to call any phone number, anywhere in the world. The call can be made to a local number, a mobile phone, a long distance, or an international number.

What Are Some Advantages of VoIP?

Because VoIP is digital, it may offer features and services that are not available with a traditional phone. If you have a broad band Internet connection, you need not maintain and pay the additional cost for a line just to make telephone calls.

About the author:
Discover more ways to save by using VoIP in your home or business by visiting Free VoIP Facts at: http://www.voip-3.com

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Choosing a Cell Phone

by: Telefon Wirles

Considering the innumerable varieties of cell phones in the market, it is quite a challenging task to choose the best one. However, the basic criterion of selecting the best cell phone is to be absolutely clear about what your needs are. The best cellular phone is the one that is absolutely right for you. And, of course, you can only have the best cellular phone when you pay for what you want.

Tons of offers are also available. There are free cellular telephone offers, prepaid cellular, digital, mobile, web enabled and many more. No one can tell you which cell phone is best for you because every one has different needs when it comes to their cellular telephone. Some people want absolutely basic features while others want a lot of totally fantastic features. Some need a cellular telephone for e-mail, faxing and surfing the Internet. Many people want it to be top of the line while others prefer simplicity.

The process of buying a cell phone is so confusing. There are simply so many different handsets, networks, deals and call costs to consider that buying the right phone for your usage and budget can be very difficult.

Here are a few tips to help you choose the best cell phone. First of all, decide how much you want to spend and be clear on the features you need. Remember that the more the features, the higher the cost.

Purchase a battery with a decent battery life and judge the mobile phone by the talk time it gives. The bare minimum should be 2 hours of maximum talk-time plus 90 hours of maximum standby time.

Shop and compare for pricing and service. These days, quality phones are very cheap. There is a proliferation of cell phone makers including Nokia, Motorola, Ericson, Siemens, Samsung, Sony, etc. More importantly, cellular plans have come down enormously in overall price with some caveats.

Some standard features include caller ID, phone book with fast dial, call waiting, voice mail and auto-answering. Some also have other added features like your first incoming minute free. The high-end cell phones will have voice-a ctivated dialing, SMS, 2-way paging, games, scheduling calendars, digital organizer and all the standard features. The main thing is to see what fits into your life style best and also to be sure when and if the features expire.

While making a cell phone and service plan decision, remember that everybody's needs are different. So what's good for your friend may not be the best choice for you. Your best bet would be to search online for websites with good cell phone comparisons in order to get a quality cell phone offer.

To make sure that your cell phone comparisons are complete look at Nokia cell phones, Ericsson cell phones, Sprint cell phones, Motorola cell phones and Samsung cell phones. Research the different free cell phone offers, prepaid cell phones and service plans from brand names like AT

About The Author

Telefon Wirles is the editor and proprietor of IP Electronics which is a premier source for Cell Phone information.

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What Is Adware?

by: Tim Henry
Adware is one of many "malwares" or malicious software programs that are unknowingly installed on your computer when you visit online sites and download freebies. When you use share files or visit sites with free downloads of wallpaper, videos, or music, some of these sites will send along adware software with your download.

These malwares are a rapidly growing threat to all computer systems. It is estimated that in the first three months of 2005 over 80% of computer users had some type of malware software program running on their computer, without their knowledge.

Although it is much less a threat to your computer and information than spyware is, what adware will do is cause pop up banners and advertisements to appear on your computer. These advertisements are displayed on your computer no matter what program you might be using. What the people who place this type of nuisance software on you computer say is that adware advertising helps them to recover costs and allows them to offer you those freebies you want.

What you want to do to stop adware from appearing on your computer is to first run an anti-adware program. Run this program on demand regularly. Along with an anti-adware software program run your regular computer virus scan on demand also.

Check the security level on your computer. You security level setting should be at least medium to help protect you from unwanted downloads.

Do not download free files from the internet, period. When downloading any software read the end-user license agreement. Some of these agreements will state that when you download their software you are also agreeing to accept a downloaded spyware that may be placed on your computer at the same time.

Be aware of threats to your computer, and your personal information.

About the author:
This article courtesy of http://www.adware-eliminator-guide.net

powered by performancing firefox

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About Cell Phone Batteries

by: Peter Lenkefi

Cell phones run on various kinds of batteries depending on the manufacturer, phone size or shape and features. There are basically four types of cell phone batteries: Lithium Polymer, Lithium Ion, Nickel Metal Hydride and Nickel Cadmium.

Lithium Polymer is the most recent type and applies the latest technology in DC power. This type of battery is light in weight and will not explode even if pierced. The battery elements are enclosed in platic pouches and do not have memory defects. They last about 50 times longer than Nickel Metal Hydride batteries.

Lithium Ion is also memory efficient and longer lasting than Nickel Metal Hydride batteries but they are quite lighter. They tend to be expensive and would only fit new models of phones. Most Lithium-ion batteries apply a fast charge technique to quickly charge up your cell phone up to 80% capacity and then slowly bring it up to full power in about two hours.

Nickel Metal Hydride is also memory efficient and lasts longer than the NIM type about 40 times. This type of battery is good for people who need rapid charging and if used with a car charger can be fully charged under 1 hour. The special formula permits the concentration of energy in a single pack – sometimes about twice the power of Nickel Cadmium. This type is preferred by a lot of mobile phone users because it lasts long and is cheap. Again, they are non-toxic and appeals to environmentalists.

Nickel Cadmium are the oldest type and has a lot of memory defects. Another severe disadvantage is that they will have to be totally discharged before you can charge them again otherwise you may irreversibly damage them. Again this type is highly toxic due to the presence of Nickel Cadmium and is gradually being phased out by cell phone manufacturers.

Batteries typically have 300 to 400 charge cycles in their life span. It is so because anytime you charge your battery, the battery loses away some of its potency and thus become diminished in power.

Cell phone batteries can be pretty expensive items if you consider the fact that a Nokia 3310 battery can cost up to $24.95. Here are a few tips to prolong the life of your battery:

Dont allow materials to get stuck on the terminals as that causes the battery to lose contact with the terminals resulting in improper connection.

Keep the batteries in a cool place and allow them to adjust to room temperature before charging as the sharp rise in temperature upon charging can damage them.

The life of your cell phone depends on the potency of your battery. Knowing how they operate and how to care for them can ensure that your cellular device runs and runs well for years.

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How Does An SMS Service Actually Work?

by: Joe Macon

Short message service (SMS) is a wildly popular feature available on most digital mobile phones. SMS allows users to send short messages to other cell phones. These short messages are called text messages. SMS was invented by a Finnish civil servant named Matti Makkonen. Many people understand what SMS is, but few understand how it actually works.

In SMS, messages are sent with a “store-and-forward” mechanism. The messages are sent to a Short Message Service Center (SMSC), and then relayed to the intended recipient. If the messages do not reach the recipient upon the first attempt, then the SMSC will try again. It is important to understand that SMS delivery is not guaranteed. Many messages cannot be delivered, but the delivery is called “best effort.” The amount of attempts to send a text message varies with the company.

SMS messages are transmitted via SS7 within the standard GSM MAP framework. SMS messages have a certain payload length. The signaling protocol is precisely 140 bytes. In simple terms, SMS messages have very constrained character limits. This is why messages are sent in “txt speak.” Text speak is the practice of shortening words and phrases in order to fit messages into the allowed amount of bandwidth. SMS messages cost different amounts in different countries. In the United States, the average message costs 10 cents.

Text messages do not always have to be sent from mobile phone to mobile phone. AOL Instant Messenger has an option that will send instant messages to a cell phone. Additionally, there is a widget available for Mac OS X Tiger that will allow a user to send text messages to a cell phone from the dashboard. SMS messages can also be utilized to give news alerts. Additionally, SMS messages can be used to give sports updates and statistics. In this way, SMS messages are very versatile.

Technology is constantly evolving. SMS services prove that communication is becoming broader and easier. Technologists predict that SMS service will advance such that the service will be more reliable, and be able to store more data for the purpose of transmission.

About The Author

Joe Macon writes about a variety of technology topics, with a focus on SMS technology.

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Cell Phone Plans

by: John Lim

The Best Cell Phone Plans Vary According to The Amount Of Calls You Make. Find Out If A Prepaid or Postpaid Plan Is The Right One For You.

Before buying the first prepaid or postpaid plan you see, it’s better to first find out about the different cell phone plans available. The best way to rate exactly what kind of plan you should have is to think about how much you’ll be making calls on your mobile phone. You also need to monitor the time (hour) that you often make calls. This is because most cell phone plans will be limited to ‘anytime’ minutes which mean that you can make limited calls during peak hours.

When looking at cell phone plans, you will also want to consider the amount of coverage you will get. It is important to know whether the prepaid or postpaid plan that you’re signing up for is local, regional or for nationwide coverage. If you do not travel a lot, then it doesn’t matter. But if you do, then it’s important to know what you’re getting into or you could find yourself paying a high price for ‘roaming’ charges. Take note that the cell phone plans with the best values are the ones that include free long distance calls.

A family plan is also an option when shopping for a cell phone plan. It allows you to share your monthly airtime allowance with additional lines. What’s great about postpaid packages like these is that you’ll be able to make free inter-network calling so you won’t have to pay to talk to your family members.

If you are still unsure of which postpaid plan to get, after reviewing the various cell phone plans available, then you might want to consider the prepaid option. The prepaid plan is best if you don’t have a consistent usage every month. What you do is pay a sum of money upfront and you’ll get a certain amount of time/minutes. When you’ve used up all your minutes, you’ll be able to renew it easily. One of the advantages of having a prepaid plan is that you don’t actually have to sign any contracts, although some telco providers may require you to fill in your details for security purposes. If you are unhappy about the prepaid plan at any time, you can terminate the prepaid plan without any hassles!

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New Cell Phones,Latest Cell Phones

by: John Lim

Don’t Be Fooled When You Shop For New Cell Phones. When You Buy The Latest Mobile Phone, Make Sure It’s Really New.

So you’re thinking of buying the latest mobile phone and your friend says “Why not get a used cell phone? It’s cheaper and just as good!” Now that isn’t quite accurate. It may be true that you can get a fairly new second-hand cell phone at a cheaper price, but the question remains, why would you want to?

In the past, new cell phones used to be much more expensive and it was probably better to get a used mobile phone because of the price. But these days, it’s quite different. New cell phones are more reasonably priced and they come with great cell phone plans that you don’t want to miss out on. Obviously, you won’t be able to enjoy these offers when you buy a used phone.

It’s also true that you can still get some of the latest mobile phones when you buy them second-hand. But why would you want to buy a reconditioned phone? It may look like a new cell phone but you wouldn’t know if it has ever been broken or if any of its parts have been removed or replaced. If you’re shopping for the newest cell phones in the market, then you might as well get a brand new phone. The only reason you might want to get a used phone is because the mobile phone model that you’re interested in is either out-of-date or out of stock.

Honestly, if you’re looking to buy a new cell phone, then you might as well head to the store and get the latest mobile phone on offer. At the very least, you know that it’s new out of the box, and there is a negligible risk of your new cell phone breaking down for no apparent reason.

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What are Your Internet Connection Solutions?


Of primary concern to all internet users is their actual connection to the internet.A user needs to look at all the factors and weigh the benefits and costs

Reliability - is the connection available 24/7, or do you get a busy signal?

Speed - at what speeds can a user upload and download files?

Costs - what are the setup and monthly costs for the internet connection service?

Support - is support available 24/7 and is it free or is there a cost associated with it?

Availability - is the desired service available at your location?

Available options with good and bad features include:Local dial up with phone company (local isp) - While this many times is the simplest, often times, they are the most costly and support can be an issue. Speeds are typically the slowest at 26k to 56k connection speeds.

Software file compression- If you only have 26k dialup isp connections available to you or you want to speed up your DSL connections, this is an important option you should take a look at. With this type of software you can increase your internet connection speeds by as much as five times for very little money. Popular software products that accomplish this are ActiveSpeed, PropelAccelerator, Dr. Speed, and SuperSpeeder, Highly recommended solution to increasing your browsing experience.

Local dial up with national firm - This is by far the most popular with companies like AOL, People PC, Juno, EarthLink, and Netzero providing this service to millions of users. These certainly are the most cost effective and provide excellent 24/7 support. With the high speed upgrade options you can approach 112 k speeds. If the company has a local or toll free number available in your area, then this alternative provides the lowest cost isp internet connection.

Cable connection - If cable TV is available in your area, many firms also provide an internet connection for an additional fee. Requires special cable modem. Speeds are anywhere from 512k to 10Mps.

DSL or digital service line - Many local phone companies are providing this service to selected areas. Requires installation of DSL modem on your computer and speeds typically are from 512k to 9Mps. The distance from the local hub also affects your speed. You will pay 2 to 3 times the costs of basic dial up.

Broadband - Is a term loosely thrown around that is applied to a DSL, cable, wireless, or satellite internet connections. Technically broadband is a minimum of 1.5Mbs but is used to market products with bandwidth as low as 512k. When you hear the term broadband used, think like "health food", an undefined marketing catch word.

Wireless internet connection - This option is available in limited area's and requires a wireless modem on your computer. Speeds typically are 2Mbps and this is a flexible approach as you do not need to be hardwired or plugged in. Available in many metro area's.

Satellite internet connection - This is the perfect solution for remote area's if you require a high speed internet connection. Upload and download speeds are different and in some cases you can only download via satellite and are required to upload via dial up. This is the most expensive alternative, but you can get service basically anywhere in the world. Speeds starting at 500k are available. Contact Directway for dependable and fast satellite internet connections.

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Ringtones:A Mobile Phones Personality

by: Matre Eringto

As mobile phones define one's personality in the same way ringtone defines mobile phones personality. Ringtone is nothing but the pleasing sound from the mobile instrument indicating an incoming call. It provides a sense of personalization to your mobile phone. Using the same old dull ring tone will never be able to differentiate you in the crowd. But, having a personal ring tone will immediately grab the attention. So ring tones are melodies, tunes, sound, noise your mobile make when an incoming call or message arrives.

Ringtone has become a rage among cell phone users, especially youth. Ringtones have brought around a fresh round of innovations to otherwise monotonous mobile phone market. There is always competition among youth for the ringtones downloaded and put to use. Ringtones show that you're up to date and happening. You can truly display your lifestyle and certainly your musical taste on your sleeve.

There are typically two different types of ringtones: monophonic ringtones and polyphonic ringtones. Monophonic tones are simple tunes, most commonly compatible with today's cell phones. The majority of cell phones previously could only make a single tone at a time. The monophonic tones comprised of a series of sequential tones at different frequencies. Polyphonic tones are played on each and every cellular phone now a days that have the capability of playing up to 16 separate tones at once. The combination of tones creates a harmonic melody. Polyphonic ringtones are more musical than a monophonic ringtone.

New ringtone services are operating in order to offer ringtones for download. These ringtones vary from old numbers to just released songs from latest albums. There also are sound effects, anything from chirping crickets to a rocket blasting off to a galloping horse. Ringtones can either be downloaded from net or can be created by the user. The websites vary in that some allow you to purchase specific ringtones while others offer subscriptions that allow you to download an unlimited number of ringtones. Users often download multiple tones so that they can have different rings for different callers. Software is also available that allow consumers to create their own melodic ringtones. The software runs on a computer, and once the tune is set it can be transferred to the phone via a data cable.

Some technical websites declare that the cell phone of tomorrow will replace the MP3 players of today. This will be possible once a dual use battery is invented that can hold a sufficiently long enough charge. The power would last more than a few hours and could be easily recharged. The technicians declare that memory capabilities must be enhanced so that the user can download and store hundreds and thousands of songs. This isn't that far off, in fact an MP3 player being replaced by a cell phone is considered possible within 5 years according to most technical websites. The development has started and there's no looking back. Consumers spent nearly $3.5 billion last year to download 30-second polyphonic renderings of popular songs. Thousands of ringtones are available to suit the personality and mood of the user.

About The Author

Matre Eringto is the owner of Ringtones I which is a premier resource for ringtones information.

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How SMS Works

SMS, or Short Message Service, is the technology behind what we often refer to as ‘text messages’ or ‘SMSes’, as well as what allows for news alerts on cellular phones. In recent years SMS has ballooned to over a 50 billion dollar industry and is quickly taking the communications world by storm.

Short Message Service actually refers to a framework that uniquely allows computers, or in this case phones, to communicate with each other without the need of a central hub. With SMS, phones can find each other, send short packets of information back and forth, and do it all without any central computer to guide them. But because the system does not rely upon fixed lines like a land based telephone system does, the amount of information that can be sent at one time is limited in size. This depends on the language spoken, but for English letters this typically means around 150 characters (Chinese and Japanese letters are limited to 70).

Quite recently, however, new developments in the technology have allowed for even longer messages to be sent. Long or Concatenated SMS is a development that allows multiple messages to be combined to form a single message. In effect, what happens is that your phone actually sends out a few smaller messages and then the receiving phone simply compiles those messages so that for users on both ends, it appears as though the message were cohesive. While there are some limitations, the brilliance behind SMS is that because there is no need for central hubs, and thus the system can be expanded indefinitely without any concerns of it slowing down or becoming more expensive.

The most common form of SMS is ‘texting’. This usually takes place with a cellular phone in which individuals use the letters behind the number pad on their phone to spell out words and phrases and then send them out. Because many companies charge by the word, individuals have come up with a sort of ‘texting slang’ to cut down on the amount of words required to convey a particular message. For example, ‘gr8’ and ‘BTW’ mean ‘great’ and ‘by the way’. In addition, other words have just been shortened, such as ‘lata’ to mean ‘later’. Most users simply pick up the lingo through frequent use, and although some slang is widely understood and used, other shortcuts are developed within circles of friends and family.

The major advantage of SMS is its price. The price is typically $0.05 per message, a significant cut below that of traditional telephony and cell phone per-minute charges. The savings of SMS has its roots in the nature of the technology. Short Message Service, like SIP, is modeled on a peer to peer model and not a cog and wheel like traditional communication systems. This means that instead of having to route a message through a central hub, your text goes straight from you to its destination. This has radically cut down on the cost of SMS implementation and led to its overwhelming popularity throughout the world.

Short Message Service (SMS) has radically changed the face of the communications industry. While the practice has become quite common throughout the world, it has only recently become popular here in the United Stats, a growth partly predicated upon, surprisingly enough, its featured role in the show American Idol. The fact that ‘texting’ is quickly gaining both in popularity and recognition in the United States is not surprising however, due to its ability to offer users a cheap, quick, and often fun way to communicate with friends and family.

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Online Games

Recently, many new online gaming services have been introduced. The world is having a visible affect on the online gaming industry, as more and more people turned towards playing and enjoying online games.

Games on net were once an imaginary phrase, but since the introduction of thousands of user friendly and easy operating games on the Internet, people are finding that fiction has become reality.

But, now you can read about what you want to learn and play free online games at paying no money. This is the ultimate playing way for anyone frightened by the complex layout of games. To play online games, read introduction to the games and play along.

Another main reason people want to play free online games is to get refreshed from the monotonous and hectic routine. With games on net, all of that excitement can be put into action. The people may choose to play free online games for recreation. Many people just want to chill out at the end of a day, and playing with a pool or slot machine etc. doesn't provide sufficient amusement.

According to a leading company’s survey on online gamers, women around or above age 40 are the informal gaming hardcore, playing games at an average of nearly nine hours a week. As far as men of all age group are concerned, they spend nearly six hours gaming while women of all ages average to around seven hours per week. This show increasing urges to play online games in all age groups and both genders.

The report also unveils an interesting point, 54 percent of adults said that they play games to wipe-off stress and the 20 percent of teens who play for just relaxation.

With free online games one can experience the excitement of playing, without the fear of losing any single cent. Many sites on the Internet also let you to post messages in forum and even facilitate to chat with friends while you play.

This is excellent news for gaming authors and websites, as the more-n-more people are moving towards playing online games on net, the more excitement around the globe will be.

All in all, it can be pretty relaxing experience and certainly it is becoming very popular time-pass.

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All about Skype...

Skype is an internet telephony provider, where users who have installed the Skype client on their computers can talk to each other free of charge using VoIP (Voice over IP). The Skype client is also available for free and the program can work across firewalls and NAT, thereby allowing anyone on the internet to talk to anyone else.

Skype was developed by the founders of KaZaA and is currently owned by eBay.

For communication with traditional phone systems, Skype has a paid service which allows a computer to dial and receive calls from traditional phones. In the paid service, voicemail is also supported.

Skype maintains the users contact lists online supports video conferencing.
Skype is platform independent and can be installed on Windows, Mac and Linux. However, the functioning of Skype is not a roller-coaster ride with Linux and Mac. It works best with Windows. Skype also works with PocketPC.

Since Skype uses a peer-to-peer model rather than the traditional client-server model, the infrastructure can scale up very easily without any need for major upgrades. Incidentally, it is rumored that Skype has to manage only the login servers and the entire routing is taken care of by the peers. As of this writing, 100 million plus customers are serviced by Skype.

The unpopular part of Skype is the mechanism for call routing. Let’s say, UserA is trying to communicate with UserB. The call from UserA to UserB may happen directly or can be routed through another user, UserC. In this case, UserC becomes a ‘Supernode’ and is functioning as a router between UserA and UserB. This unduly penalizes UserC for being a part of the Skype network. Also, the software is a closed source software and proprietary. Hence no customizations or add-ons can be added by software developers.

Although the product has not been reverse-engineered by independent developers, Skype is believed to have made good use of encryption technology in its product and the software codes are well-written.

The average age of Skype subscribers is 29.7 years. About 46% of the subscribers are from Europe and 13% from China. These numbers are derived by SR Consulting, which reviewed some 4 million users profile of Skype.

Skype client is very easy to set up. For people who have not set up a Skype client, here are the steps:

1. Download the software.
2. Install the software. It automatically configures itself for your computer and network.
3. Register as a Skype user.
4. Get a headset for your computer.
5. Locate another Skype user. Searching tools make this easy.
6. Click on a Skype contact name. You can do this from a variety of places within the client application.
7. Talk free to people anywhere in the world.

The clarity of the call in Skype is amazingly clear and most people don’t appear to be talking from the other side of the world.

Apart from making regular calls to Skype users, it also facilitates conference calls between a maximum of 5 users, file transfers and instant messaging.

Netgear recently announced a Skype compatible phone. The phone removes the dependency of placing calls from the PC. Instead it connects directly to a WiFi router for connection. Similar products from other companies are also in the pipeline.

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Mobile Phone Jammer

What is a Mobile Phone Jammer?

What causes a traffic jam? Too many vehicles moving along the same road, right? Also the reason for a traffic jam can be that there are other vehicles on the road which are blocking your path to speed.

Similarly, a cell phone jammer is a device that emits signals in the same frequency range that mobile phones use, effectively blocking their transmissions by creating strong interference. So if someone is in the range of a jammer, he will just lose his signal strength and accuse the service provider without knowing that there is a jammer which is responsible for the signal loss.

Why do we need mobile phone jammers?

There would be no need for jammers if everyone followed phone etiquettes. People who do not follow phone etiquettes like speaking slowly and moving away from other people while talking on the phone are inconveniencing others at banks, offices, public transport systems, hospitals etc. So if you are one of the people annoyed by mobile phone talkers, you can buy a pocket jammer. It can in effect kill the signal of the person speaking on his mobile phone while sitting next to you in the train. This will not prevent the other person from talking but will force him to move away from you, under the belief that the signal is bad at the place where you are sitting. This can be done with a flick of a button.

Although it would be a desirable solution for a lot of people, it can cause havoc to the business of the mobile phone service provider. Hence it is banned in most countries except for special zones like hospitals, military and government offices.

Cell phone jammers are available in multiple shapes depending upon their ‘power’ to block signals in a specific range. A small personal jammer may resemble a cell phone and have the capacity to block signals for around 50 – 100 feet. This is a good enough distance for a person to not get distracted by an ongoing cell phone banter. There are more powerful jammers which resemble networking equipments with wires, that have the capacity of blocking cell phone signals for a few miles. This can be useful around a Presidential motorcade, for example, to keep terrorists from detonating a bomb from miles away or even from outside the country. By wiring a cell phone to explosives the device can be triggered by simply placing a call to the phone, as was done in May 2002 by Palestinian militants in Tel Aviv when they targeted an Israeli fuel depot by rigging one of its fuel trucks.

Law enforcement also uses cell phone jammers in hostage situations to keep the suspect isolated, and in South America, banks use the devices to prevent robbers from tipping off outside accomplices to departing customers leaving with large withdrawals.

There are many businesses who would love to use jammers like restaurants, theaters, hospitals, libraries to name a few. The reason for the desire is to prevent the patrons from having to forcibly listen to the banter of a possibly-unaware-disturbance-creating-cell-phone-user.

Personal cell phone jammers start at about $250 (U.S.D.) and are widely available online despite their illegal status in most countries. The top manufacturers reportedly sell primarily to military and law enforcement but will sell the devices to anyone with the disclaimer that it is up to the buyer to make sure the device is legal in his or her country and that the buyer assumes all legal responsibility for buying, owning, or using the device.

What would happen if a jammers are made legal?

Obviously, the cell phone industry will run out of business, since although it is intrusive at times, there are marked benefits of cell phones as well. And if jammers are in use publicly, no matter what amount of infrastructure investment is made by the service provider, the end user will still not get a guaranteed good service.

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Low Class-Batteries

Wrong handling and unsafety use of Cell Phone can lead to accident and loss.!

Read the following articles from the newspaper....

Talking while charging. Plz Do them separately.

Excessive charging.

So next time when your mobile's charge goes low, just charge and when your mobile rings... don't forget to disconnect the charger's cord from your mobile... and also remember to disconnect the charger when the mobile is fully Charged....

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For Nokia Users

1) Imagine ur cell battery is very low, u r expecting an important call and u don't have a charger. Nokia instrument comes with a reserve battery. To activate, key is "*3370#"

Ur cell will restart with this reserve and ur instrument will show a 50% incerase in battery.This reserve will get charged when u charge ur cell next time. *3370# Activate Enhanced Full Rate Codec (EFR)-Your phone uses the best sound quality but talk time is reduced by approx. 5% #3370# Deactivate Enhanced Full Rate Codec( EFR)

*#4720# Activate Half Rate Codec - Your phone uses a lower quality sound but you should gain approx 30% more Talk Time

*#4720# Deactivate Half Rate Codec

2) *#0000# Displays your phones software version,

1st Line : Software Version,

2nd Line : Software Release Date,

3rd Line : Compression Type

3) *#9999# Phones software v ersion if *#0000# does not work

4) *#06# For checking the International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI Number)

5) #pw+1234567890+1# Provider Lock Status. (use the "*" button to obtain the "p,w" and "+" symbols)

6) #pw+1234567890+2# Network Lock Status. (use the "*" button to obtain the "p,w" and "+" symbols)

7) #pw+1234567890+3# Country Lock Status. (use the "*" button to obtain the "p,w" and "+" symbols)

8) #pw+1234567890+4# SIM Card Lock Status.(use the "*" button to obtain the "p,w" and "+" symbols)

9) *#147# (vodafone) this lets you know who called you last *#1471# Last call (Only vodofone)

10) *#21# Allows you to check the number that "All Calls" are diverted to.

11) *#2640# Displays security code in use

12) *#30# Lets you see the private number

13) *#43# Allows you to check the "Call Waiting" status of your phone.

14) *#61# Allows you to check the number that "On No Reply" calls are diverted to

15) *#62# Allows you to check the number that "Divert If Unreachable(no service)" calls are diverted to

16) *#67# Allows you to check the number that "On Busy Calls" are diverted to

17) *#67705646#R emoves operator logo on 3310 & 3330

18) *#73# Reset phone timers and game scores

19) *#746025625# Displays the SIM Clock status, if your phone supports this power saving feature "SIM Clock Stop Allowed", it means you will get the best standby time possible

20) *#7760# Manufactures code

21) *#7780# Restorefa ctory settings

22) *#8110# Software version for the nokia 8110

23) *#92702689# (to rember *#WARRANTY#)

Displays the following:

1.Serial Number,

2.Date Made

3.Purchase Date,

4.Date of last repair (0000 for no repairs),

5.Transfer User Data.

To exit this mode -you need to switch your phone off then on again

24) *#94870345123456789# Deactivate the PWM-Mem

25) **21*number# Turn on "All Calls" diverting to the phone number entered

26) **61*number# Turn on "No Reply" diverting to the phone number entered

27) **67*number# Turn on "On Busy" diverting to the phone number entered

28) 12345 This is the default security code press and hold # Lets you switch between lines


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